
American Porcupine Quills for Sale

Baby Porcupine


Porcupines are nocturnal rodents. They take a small head and their body is covered with sharp quills (thick needle-similar hairs). They have as many equally xxx,000 quills on the dorsum, tail and sides and utilize them equally a defense against predators. Porcupines are more often than not benevolent creatures and they do not readily assail animals or people.

They are native to a small range of habitats in temperate and tropical parts of North America, South America, Asia, Southern Europe and Africa. They live in deserts, rocky outcrops, forests and hillsides. In rocky areas, they tin can exist found up to a summit of three,700 meters.

Among rodents, porcupines rank tertiary in terms of size after capybara and beaver. They are approximately 25 to 36 inches long and have an viii- to ten-inch long tail. Porcupines weigh almost 12 to 35 pounds and are rounded and large. They come up in different shades: gray, brownish and the unusual white. In the wild, their lifespan is effectually vi to eight years, simply in captivity they may alive upwards to 12 to 14 years.

In general, they are most-sighted, slow-moving animals that are sick equipped to avert getting killed by predators, just for their unique and natural defensive system. Porcupines are generally benign creatures. Porcupines that are threatened turn their backside to the predator and try to drive the tail into them. Porcupines likewise produce a baneful odor and ballyhoo their teeth equally a sign of warning. Reverse to common conventionalities, they practise not throw quills at attackers. People and animals have to come up into contact with the porcupine in order for the quills to become embedded in their bodies.

Caging for a Porcupine

You lot can continue your pet porcupine in a fairly large cage having a solid floor, but proper ventilation is a must. You can place stalks of wood or branches of trees on the housing in gild to give the feeling that they are in familiar environment.


As they are solitary animals, yous must have 1 cage for i porcupine. Farther, the cage housing the porcupine(south) should have merely 1 level equally it has poor eyesight. Moreover, they can easily break their legs. Include infinite for toys, food bowls and litter tray when building the cage for your pet. You must include a hiding spot as porcupines need to stay away from light, prying optics and full general activity during day time.

Porcupines are generally slow with the training. Target training and station training are important for them. They must be made to work for the portions of their diet. Y'all have to find out which is their almost favorite food as it can vary from one individual to another. You can use their favorite food as their training advantage.

In the wild, porcupines swallow a whole range of things: roots, crops and tubers. Therefore, you must requite your pet with a varied diet consisting of root vegetables and other kinds of vegetables and so every bit to mimic their natural nutrition's nutritional content. They love to chew. They need to exercise this in order to wearable out their incisor teeth which grow constantly. You can give them branches of different trees to chew on. Yous can also occasionally give them bones to chew on. This will help them to maintain the sharpness of their teeth and go a supply of mineral calcium.

What to feed a Porcupine

Porcupines are herbivores. They eat leaves, twigs, herbs and dark-green plants such as clover. In wintertime months, they may swallow bark. While those institute in North America climb copse for finding food, those that are native to Africa forage on the ground.

Therefore, you can feed your pet porcupine with unlike types of fruits and vegetables, including yams, apples and carrots. Commercially prepared rodent nutrient is also available. However, you should provide sufficient quantity of nutrient equally hungry porcupines can exist harmful. Yous may feed your pet porcupine twice a day, only it is of import that yous feed them on a regular basis at the specified time. You can refer the Rodent TAG Porcupine Intendance Transmission for more information on developing a nutrition for your pet.


In about 18 months, a female person porcupine attains sexual maturity. The breeding season is between September and November. Prior to mating, the male person porcupine urinates on the female partner, spraying at a high velocity. The gestation period is effectually 210 days, the longest amongst rodents. The female delivers one to two immature ones (pup or "porcupette") in the spring (belatedly April to early May). At birth, the immature ones volition take soft quills. They harden inside a few hours of nativity. The young ones open their eyes in most 10 days after their birth.

Porcupines are appreciating animals and they savour snuggling. They get attached to their trainers. Never permit them to feel alarmed. If other pets are around, they become alarmed. Further, you should never be ambitious and also avoid making extreme sounds.


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