
Christian Christmas Quizzes and Games

How well do y'all think you know the Christmas story? Here are some Christmas Bible quiz questions for you to think about. Many of these are basic knowledge questions, but some of them will brand you dig to see if my answer actually is right.

Are yous ready?


Joseph and Mary

one Who told Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem?

2 True or Fake: Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus because they were following a star.

3 What form of transportation did Mary and Joseph use to get to Bethlehem? The respond is not a taxi cab.


4 Which Old Attestation prophet had the most to say virtually the nascency of Christ?

v In the accounts announcing the birth of Christ (Matthew one and Luke 1 and two) how many times did an affections or angels appear?

half-dozen Who told Joseph the infant's name was to be Jesus?

seven Can yous listing 5 names of Jesus found in the Bible? Some on my list are from Old Testament prophecies.

8 What are the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel?

Shepherds and Wise Men

9 The shepherds and the wise men went to see Jesus. Which group followed a star and which group went to find the infant considering an affections told them where to await?

10 What did the angels sing to the shepherds?

xi When the shepherds went looking for Jesus, what was the sign they were to look for?

12 How many wise men or kings or magi came to run across Jesus?

13 Matthew 2:viii says that Herod asked the wise men to inform him where the baby Jesus was. Why does this poetry say he wanted to know?

xiv How old was Jesus when the wise men plant him?

15 What are the 3 gifts which are mentioned being given past the wise men?


How well exercise you think y'all know the Christmas story?

16 Which emperor ordered all the immature children exist killed?

17 What animals does the Bible say were nowadays at the nascence of Jesus?

18 What was the proper noun of the unkind innkeeper who would not permit the pregnant Mary to lodge in his inn?

xix What is the name of the priest who was told he would non dice until he saw the Savior?

20 Two of the four Gospels exercise not mention the nascency of Christ. Which ii?


1 Caesar Augustus. He ordered the people to go back to the city of their forefathers. Joseph'southward family was from Bethlehem. Luke 2:1.

2 False. As in the previous reply, they went not because an affections told them or because a star led them. They were obedient to the established governmental authorisation.

3 The Bible does not say how they went from Galilee to Bethlehem. It was an 80 mile trip for them. It is probable that they rode some type of animal, but the Bible gives no details. Information technology is ordinarily depicted that Mary rode a donkey while Joseph walked along side. Simply that is simply an artistic delineation. Nosotros don't actually know.

iv The book of Isaiah has much to say near the birth of the Savior. If y'all take ever heard the oratorio by George Handel called The Messiah, you have heard many straight quotes from the book of Isaiah concerning the nascence of Christ.

5 At least iii celestial announcements for the birth of Christ and 1 for the nativity of John. For Christ an angel appeared before Mary and Joseph individually and a multitude of angels spoke to the shepherds. For John'south birth declaration in Luke 1 Gabriel appeared before John'southward father to denote the nascence of John the Baptist. Matthew i:twenty-24; Luke i:xi-xx; Luke i:26-38; Luke 2:ix-15.

vi An angel in Matthew 1:21. The Bible does not say that this was Gabriel; all the same, information technology is causeless to be him since he was the one specifically mentioned as the messenger to Mary and Zacharias in Luke one.

7 Jesus, Emmanuel, the Christ, Wonderful, Advisor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21, 23.

viii Jesus means Savior and Emmanuel means God with us. Jesus is the same name every bit the Old Attestation proper noun Joshua which also means Savior. Matthew 1:21, 23.

9 The shepherds followed the instructions of the angels in Luke two:nine-xv. The wise men followed the star to find the identify where Jesus was. Matthew ii:i, two.

10 Technically angels are never said to "sing" in the Bible. Each time they appear they simply speak. However, to answer the question, the angels praised God with these words: "Glory to God in the highest, and on globe peace, good volition toward men." Luke 2:14.

eleven A infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke ii:12.

12 The Bible does not say how many wise men there were. Tradition says at that place were three considering of the three gifts. There are even names given to the three wise men in dissimilar countries and cultures, merely nosotros don't really know their names. It is as well very likely there were many more than than simply three.

13 So that he could worship the kid. But we know that his intentions were far from worship. Matthew 2:eleven-18.

14 It is certain that Jesus was somewhere betwixt a month old and a couple of years old. The wise men saw His star at his nativity and began following it. If the journey was 500 miles from Persia and Mesopotamia (effectually modern twenty-four hour period Iraq) so it would have taken at least a calendar month. Past the time they arrived Jesus and His family unit had moved into a firm. Later in the story Herod ordered all the children aged 2 years and younger to be killed. Therefore, Jesus was at least a month erstwhile and not yet 2 years former. Matthew 2:nine-18.

15 Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11.

16 This was Herod. He ordered all the children in Bethlehem and the outlying areas who were 2 years onetime and younger to exist killed. However, Jesus and His family had already moved to Egypt (Matthew 2:13).

17 In the New Testament accounts of Christ'south nativity in that location is no mention of any animals. However, Isaiah 1:3 could exist a prophecy talking about at least a ass seeing the crib of his Master (God). It could insinuate to the fact that an ox was there too. If a agglomeration of shepherds were there, ane would assume sheep would have been present. Simply there is no definite listing of animals mentioned in the Bible.

xviii The Bible does non say. Nor does information technology even say that they were inhospitably turned away from an inn. It just says at that place was not room in the inn at Bethlehem. There may take been many hundreds of people camping in the streets and countryside during the mandatory census. Luke 2:7.

nineteen Simeon. Luke 2:25, 26.

20 Neither Marker or John tell the story of the nascence of Christ.

I know some of these answers were catchy. Nevertheless, I hope they caused you to think. In fact, i of the answers is based on a very educated guess and may not exist completely truthful. I challenge yous to effigy out which one that is and come with a better answer in the comments below.

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  • Great Christian Christmas songs

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The Holy Bible, King James Version

YouTube video "O Little Town of Bethlehem" sung past The Mormon Tabernacle Choir


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