A depraved woman who raped a picayune girl forth with two older men, smiled and laughed in the docks as she was told she could face a life sentence.

Vicki Bevan raped a vulnerable victim and performed sex acts on them along with Paul Raffery, 62, and a second human being, Tony Hutton, 42.

The 37-yr-old, from St Helens, appeared in Liverpool Crown Court this morning, where she was seen laughing and smiling with security guards, The Liverpool Echo reports .

The sick trio filmed their abuse and shared images between them along with twisted letters.

Liverpool's top approximate said he was considering an "indefinite sentence", meaning she could exist locked away for life, and that he required written submissions from the prosecution and her defence lawyers on this matter.

Sick rapist Bevan filmed some of the twisted acts and shared them with ii men (



Judge Andrew Menary, QC, said: "Obviously of particular business for the court is the fact that at that place are exchanges of letters involving shockingly depraved fantasies.

"And they didn't remain as merely fantasies, some of these were played out in real life.

"I won't become into the detail of what they are now. Simply when you think you have heard the worst, some other one comes along. It'south all of that, that the court will exist concerned with."

The approximate told Jonathan Duffy, defending Bevan, that he was "bound to accept in mind the nature of the judgement in this instance and in particular the possibility of an indefinite judgement".

He said written submissions from Mr Duffy and Martine Snowdon, prosecuting, should consider Bevan'south "adventure in the hereafter and the extent to which it might be said the underlying health or mental wellness problems accept an impact on her culpability".

Withal, Judge Menary added: "I'm jump to say the court is actively, as it were, considering the possibility in her instance - at this stage in her case alone - of an indefinite sentence."

Ahead of a trial earlier this yr, Bevan of St Helens, admitted one count of raping a child under 13; five counts of assault of a child under xiii by penetration; ii counts of sexual assault on a kid under 13; one count of sexual practice with a kid; and 1 count of inciting a child to engage in sex activity.

The rape, one of the counts of assault of a child under 13 by penetration and one of the counts of sexual assault on a child under 13 were carried out jointly with Rafferty, of Fry Street, St Helens.

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One of the other counts of sexual assault of a child under 13 involved Bevan and Hutton, of Liverpool Street, St Helens, both performing a sexual practice deed on the victim.

Bevan likewise pleaded guilty to 17 counts of making and 3 counts of distributing indecent images of children, plus ii counts of possessing extreme pornography.

Rafferty previously admitted one count of raping a child under 13; ane count of assault of a child under thirteen by penetration; one count of sexual assault of a child under 13; and six counts of making indecent images of children.

At the same stage Hutton pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault of a child nether xiii and iii counts of making indecent images of children.

Judge Menary asked Rafferty and Hutton'southward lawyers to make submissions on their "risk and dangerousness".

The judge noted in interviews the three defendants took role in with the Probation Service for pre-sentence reports there was "a degree of blame sharing" and asked whether this would exist relied upon at judgement.

Tom Watson, defending Hutton, told the court he "takes full responsibility for his offending despite what your Lordship may take seen in the report".

He said: "He will not veer abroad from taking total responsibleness for each of the offences he's pleaded guilty to."

Judge Menary told Mr Duffy: "I'one thousand bound to say if your client suggests she was encouraged and got led on by others, information technology would not be accepted." Mr Duffy said this would not be put forward by Bevan.

Simon Christie, defending Rafferty, said his client had not gone "quite as far" in his comments for the report. Similar Hutton, Rafferty showed no emotion in the dock.

Judge Menary said he would adjourn sentencing until May 13 and remanded the three defendants in custody until that engagement.

Mr Duffy said Bevan wished to be sentenced over a video link if the guess allowed it, but Approximate Menary said: "Frankly, I'm not sure I will in this sort of case."

He ordered all three defendants to be produced in the dock at sentencing. However, he said he would consider written submissions from Mr Duffy on this signal.

If the 3 paedophiles are found to be dangerous offenders, as defined in law, then they may receive extended sentences.

They would then have to spend at to the lowest degree 2 thirds - rather than the usual half of any custodial term - behind bars, earlier they could apply to the Parole Board and ask for their release.

At that phase, if they were no longer considered to be a hazard, they could exist released on licence, they would and then have to serve an extended licence period.

Still, if Bevan's crimes are deemed to exist serious enough to warrant a life sentence, she would instead be given a minimum term in prison, which she would have to serve in its entirety.

Merely once that minimum term was consummate would she be able to utilize for parole and, if and when she was released, she would exist field of study to licence conditions for the rest of her life.